lol ;D
Stuff that is in progress and incomplete:
2mP4dsb - A 2m DSB radio built around Pentium4 clock generator chip
All Junk All Analog ♲ - A 40m SSB radio
SweepyBoi™ - A classic TV tuner spectrum analyzer
Information on MMIC's and GaAsfets - An attempt to compile info and links in one place
Slow and sparse progress on my M17 journey, including the eventual MD380 modz
Some links to my Moppe modifications in Finnish and other Mobira info.
Some M0NKA mcHF infos
My OH2EAT Gekkokapula builds and mods
5.7GHz C-band experiments
10GHz X-band experiments
24GHz K-band experiments
47GHz Q-band experiments
76GHz W-band experiments
122GHz "N-band" experiments
Even more incomplete stuff, some notes on things:
GSM things, especially PHY-layer things.
Other stuff:
I sometimes post videos here:
OH2FTG on youtube
My old google pages site is locked from editing by google, but it can be found here:
This site is much lower effort.
Hamiradioiden tullikoodeja
The Tech Stack used to publish this fast loading static page
Linkz to other places I reference (this will grow with time):
Hack a Day, now with more than one hack a day.
Iulian Rosu VA3IUL's good page on GHz RF tek, good for inspiration.
Endless RF ideas and schematics to be inspired by, curated by VA3IUL.
Homepage of Matjaž Vidmar, S53MV, homebrew spectrum analyzer, radar and high speed data radios., calculators for antennas and filters.'s Cantenna calculator, my go to one. Having this here saves me a search.
Soldersmoke Podcast, It's about melting solder and building your own rigs.
Standard Zener diode voltages
A good RC low pass calculator
An upating list of common crystal and crystal oscillator frequencies, check what's available and common.
(c) ftg 2024